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4 Reasons to Consolidate Retirement Accounts

Presented by: Michael Embrescia Did you know Americans change jobs an average of 12 times in their lifetime? If you have changed jobs and left behind 401(k) accounts with prior employers, you know firsthand that

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529 Plans: Qualified and Nonqualified Expenses

Presented by: Johnathon Opet, CFP® You’ve put in the hard work of saving for college, and now it’s time to start using those 529 plan assets to help with a family member’s education-related costs. But

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How to Choose Your Best Pension Payout Option

Presented by: James Artale If you’re eligible for a defined benefit pension, you may have several payment options from which to choose. Your pension plan will calculate a basic single-life annuity automatically, and, if you

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Presented by: Michael Embrescia When it comes to estate planning, executing your will and other estate documents is only the first step. To help ensure that your estate plan stays in tune with your goals

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Presented by: Michael Embrescia On August 24, 2022, President Biden announced plans to offer student loan forgiveness to selected individuals. Below is a summary of the executive action that the Biden Administration plans to effectuate.

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Presented by: Michael Embrescia Record high inflation and negative economic growth, as measured by US GDP growth, have fueled recession fears. The bond market is similarly flashing recessionary signals. Despite this, the S&P 500 through

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In an effort to support local youth who have survived non-medical adversity, EmVision Capital Advisors has recently partnered with Believe In Dreams. This non-profit organization grants dreams to youth who have faced traumatic, non-medical events,

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Presented by: James Artale If you’re changing jobs, you probably have a lot on your mind. As you wrap up work with your previous employer and prepare for your new role, it can be easy

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With a new partner and preparations for future acquisitions and partnerships, it’s clear that EmVision Capital Advisors’ growth strategy is distinctly different from other financial management firms. Instead of seeking new clients directly, EmVision is

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Presented by: Johnathon Opet, CFP® If you are considering taking a loan from your retirement plan to bridge a financial gap, pause for a minute. This is a major decision that should not be made

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Presented by Michael Embrescia Retirement planning is complicated. Many individuals put off saving, thinking that retirement is years away—until it isn’t. Then, in their 40s and 50s, they start to panic and wonder how they’ll

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Presented by: James Artale As we enter the second half of the year, the outlook might appear grim at first glance. Covid-19 continues to spread, both here and worldwide. Inflation remains close to 40-year highs,

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Presented by: Michael Embrescia To ensure that your wishes are carried out after your death, end-of-life planning is essential. But when it comes to organizing your personal and financial affairs, it can be difficult to

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Presented by Michael Embrescia As the weather warms up, many people are thinking about summer plans—and possibly dreaming of buying a vacation home. Although the idea of having a permanent “home away from home” may

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Presented by: Johnathon Opet, CFP® There’s a lot to consider as you prepare for retirement, so it’s wise to begin planning well ahead of time. The checklists below are designed to help you stay on

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Presented by Michael Embrescia Many people don’t understand the importance of establishing and maintaining an emergency fund until it’s too late. Are you financially prepared for a leaky roof? How about a broken-down car? If

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Used car salespeople – you want to trust the smile and the handshake, and the car looks great. But was it really owned by one careful spinster who only ever drove to church and the

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SAVING for retirement – you know you have to do it but where do you start? Pile your spare cash under the mattress or forget about it in a savings account? Neither – the good

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Wealth Advisor, President, CEO