
Our Blog


Presented by Michael Embrescia, President and CEO of EmVision Capital Advisors Many of the discussions around the market decline so far this year have revolved around two issues: why is it happening and how far

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CLOCKING off for the last time, my grandfather described his retirement day as the best day’s work he ever did. Two decades of retirement with my nan followed, enjoying their home, family, a few holidays

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Are you an employer who has ever wondered ‘how would we cope without Joanie?’ It is a good question to ask yourself. You may be the business owner and run a great company that simply

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We all know the Biblical story of the Prodigal Son, don’t we? The wayward younger son of the rich man wants his inheritance early so he can enjoy it now, which the loving father grants.

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Sadly, your parents have died after a long life well lived. You and your siblings have laughed and cried together over your memories and now it is time to deal with practical matters –the estate.

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As you drive around cities, have you ever wondered how rich someone must be to get their name on a building? The college campuses, the hospital extensions, the libraries – all prefixed with the name

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As founding father Benjamin Franklin is famously quoted as saying, “the only certainties in life are death and taxes.” Here at EmVision Capital Advisors, we can do little about the first – we are not

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